Severe winter storms are common the region, and they cause severe damage to archaeological sites. We have prepared for standing walls, which have not suffered due to our very effective protection system. For flooding in depression areas, we rely on pumps, because we have not had the time to excavated a proper drainage system. Here are pictures of areas of the Temple Plaza, which have arrived to us the day after the flooding took place. Bad though they are, they give good evidence of the immediacy with which we are alerted to the problem, for which we will have to use pumps again.
Units J1 and J3, looking NW
Unit J1, looking N
Unit J2, looking NE
Another important side effect of our approach is that occasional finds that come to light as a result of events such as flooding, are reported to us, and they can thus be labeled and documented. Here is a set of three picutres taken of an animal figurine, to which a surface field number (Z1.800) has been assigned. The scale and the color chart are missing, and so is a precise reference to the fildspot, but considering that we received these images the day after the object was found is in itself a very positive sign of the effectiveness of our approach.
Animal figurine (Z1.800), top view
Animal figurine (Z1.800), bottom view
Animal figurine (Z1.800), side view